Mo Ramodibe

Senior Consultant

Call Sign:

Mo is a senior consultant for software testing

Education & Experience

  • BA - Communications
  • 10+ years of experience in computer graphics, testing, operations management and software development life-cycle methodologies

What did you do prior to joining OAS?

Prior to joining OAS I was QA Lead for a FAA Contract

What is something you are passionate about most people wouldn't know?

Art and Traveling

What is your favorite book?

What sport, hobby, or passion do you have outside of work?

Outside of work I enjoy physical activities like running, hiking and hanging out with family and friends. I consider myself a very adventurous person because I believe there is so much to learn in everything we encounter or come in contact with.

What is a hidden talent of yours?

What is a super strength of yours?

Patience and a visual thinker