Fasil Fetene

Senior Consultant

Call Sign:

Fasil is a senior consultant in database development and geospatial information

Education & Experience

  • BSc in Geology and Geophysics
  • MSc in Cybersecurity & Information Assurance
  • MSc in GIS & Remote Sensing
  • PhD in Radar Remote Sensing & GIS

What did you do prior to joining OAS?

Prior to joining OAS, I was working as a Geospatial Database Developer for a USDA project.

What is something you are passionate about most people wouldn't know?

When it comes to my passions, one of the things that might surprise most people is my deep enthusiasm for nature & hiking. Exploring the great outdoors and immersing myself in nature's beauty is not just a hobby; it's a true passion of mine. It's a passion that allows me to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, find inner peace, and discover hidden wonders in the world.

What is your favorite book?

What sport, hobby, or passion do you have outside of work?

Swimming, soccer, and playing with my kids.

What is a hidden talent of yours?

What is a super strength of yours?

I am resilient and open minded.