Doug Estok

Senior Consultant

Call Sign:

Doug is a senior consultant in data science and geospatial information

Education & Experience

  • BS - Business Administration, University of Florida

What did you do prior to joining OAS?

Formed a geospatial consulting firm in 1995, focusing on all facets of utilities, transportation, emergency management, and healthcare informatics.

What is something you are passionate about most people wouldn't know?

My consulting firm allowed my wife and me to open a retail nursery garden center and local bicycle shop, respectively.

What is your favorite book?

What sport, hobby, or passion do you have outside of work?

Cycling, tennis, golf, bass guitar, drums, keys.

What is a hidden talent of yours?

I’m a nerd who can engage with just about anyone.

What is a super strength of yours?

The ability to figure things out and fix stuff.